====== Using Pacman ====== DeLi Linux since 0.8 using the pacman package manager from Arch Linux. Parts of this document are shamelessly stolen from the Arch Linux Wiki at http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman ===== Overview ===== Pacman keeps the system up to date by synchronizing package lists with the master server. This server/client model also allows you to download/install packages with a simple command, complete with all required dependencies. Pacman is written in the C programming language, so it is fast, light and very agile. It uses the .tar.gz package format, which further enhances its speed; Gzipped tarballs, though slightly larger, are decompressed much faster than their Bzipped counterparts, and are therefore generally installed more expediently. ===== Configuration ===== Pacman configuration is located in /etc/pacman.conf. In depth information about the configuration file can be found in "man pacman". ==== General options ==== General options are in [options] section. Read the man page or look in the default pacman.conf for information on what can be done here. ==== Using proxy server ==== Setting pacman for using proxy server is possible through adding directives like ProxyServer= ProxyPort=1080 ==== Repositories ==== In this section you define which repositories to use, as referred to in /etc/pacman.conf. First edit /etc/pacman.conf [cdrom] Server = file:///cdrom/pkg #[current] #Server = http://www.delilinux.org/pkg/current * If you want to use CDROM only leave the file as it is * If you want to receive updates from the internet and additional packages, uncomment the second "current" entry * You may optionally comment the "cdrom" entry ===== Usage ===== To really learn what pacman can do, read man pacman. The below is just a small sample of operations that can be performed. ==== Installing and Removing Packages ==== Before installing and upgrading packages, it is a good idea to synchronize the local package database with the remote repositories. ''pacman -Sy'' or pacman --sync --refresh To install or upgrade a single package or list of packages (including dependencies), issue the following command: ''pacman -U http://www.delilinux.org/pkg/current/package_name-version.pkg.tar.gz'' or ''pacman -S package_name1 package_name2'' You can also refresh the package database before installing a package in one command: ''pacman -Sy package_name'' To remove a single package, leaving all of its dependencies installed: ''pacman -R package_name'' To remove all of the packages dependencies which aren't used by any other installed package: ''pacman -Rs package_name'' ==== Upgrading the System ==== Pacman can update all packages on the system with just one command. This could take quite a while depending on how up-to-date your system is. ''pacman -Su'' However, the best option is to synchronize the repository databases AND update your system in one go with the following: ''pacman -Syu'' ==== Querying the Package Database ==== Pacman can search and query the local package database with the -Q flag. See pacman -Q --help or the pacman(8) manpage for more details. Sync databases can be searched and queried with the -S flag. See either the manpage just mentioned or pacman -S --help for details. ==== Other Usage ==== Pacman is quite an extensive package management tool, here is just a brief collection of other features. * Download a package without installing it: ''pacman -Sw package_name'' * Install a local package (not from a repository): ''pacman -U /path/to/package/package_name-version.pkg.tar.gz'' You may also enter a URL: ''pacman -U http://www.examplepackage/repo/examplepkg.tar.gz'' * Fully clean the package cache (/var/cache/pacman/pkg): ''pacman -Scc'' For a more detailed list of switches please refer to pacman --help or man pacman.