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deli:0.8 failed to install lowmem

Date:2008/06/21 15:29

version: 0.8

severity: critical


Deli fails to install, if you have 32 MB Ram or less, but the installer (deliinstall) reported that the installation not failed, so you end up with an unbootable system.


Simply add swap before beginning installation:

      cfdisk            # create a swap-partition (Type: 82)
                        # for this example i assume you created /dev/hda4 for swap
      mkswap /dev/hda4  # create swap-signature
      swapon /dev/hda4  # activate swap
      free              # You should see some numbers in the line that display swap, (NOT zero)


Add an addidional freeMem-check in the deli-Installer and create/activate swap before install.

I could help you to rewrite the installer, please write me a mail if you wish so:

  lutz.willek <<AT>>

Freundliche Grüße / Best Regards

Lutz Willek

Thanks for the bug report. I already know of the bug (but a bugreport was still missing). However, the better solution would be not to fail. I have already begun to write a pacman replacement for basic operations (install, remove) which should be pacman compatible. See here.

deli/bugs/bugreports/deli/0.8_failed_to_install_lowmem.txt · Last modified: 2010/09/02 15:39 (external edit)