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deli:skips lilo

Date:2008/12/28 00:28


severity: critical

The installation of DeLi Linux skips lilo, and jumps straight from making passwords to asking to install everything from the CD. When this happens the “install everything from CD” takes unusually short amount of time. – Atluxity

:I now tried debugging it by making the deliinstall-script not cleaning up after itself and trying the commands manually to see hte errormessages, but then lilo worked, and installing everything from CD took a while. Strange. Had reproduced it many times on different computers earlier on the night before I posted this bug. – Atluxity

::I boot with the CD, makes partitions, follows the deliinstall, but it skips lilo. Then I copy the deliinstall-script and removes the unmounting and deletion it does to clean up, and runs it again. This time the liloconf starts up correctly. – Atluxity

:::At first boot, when the install skips the lilo. If one starts deliinstall again without rebooting, it now does NOT skip lilo and seems to work propperly. – Atluxity

yes, there are some more strange things happening, see

deli/bugs/bugreports/deli/skips_lilo.txt · Last modified: 2010/09/02 15:39 (external edit)