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lilo:error l 99 99 99

Date:2006/12/28 16:02

version: DeLi 7.1

severity: unknown

On an old ISA-only 486 with primary and secondary IDE controller cards, and DeLi installed on /dev/hda1 (entire disk size is 420MegaBytes, hda1 is the only partition and is marked “active”), LILO refuses to boot, regardless of whether it is installed to MBR (/dev/hda) or the partition itself (/dev/hda1). Calling “lilo” from chroot gives a warning: “Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed”. Attempting to boot the computer from hard disk results in “L 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99” (and so on), instead of the usual “LILO:” prompt.

Since the hard disk in question is way below the magical 540MB border, there is no need for LBA addressing, and thus, LILO should not attempt to use it. Thiy *might* cause the error upon boot, although there may as well be other contributing factors.

tag: notabug

This is not a bug of DeLi Linux. Since version 22 LILO defaults to lba32 adressing scheme. Try to put


in your /etc/lilo.conf. See man lilo.conf(5).

Another solution would be to activate LBA in zour BIOS, but I don't suppose that your BIOS suppports this.

deli/bugs/bugreports/lilo/error_l_99_99_99.txt · Last modified: 2010/09/02 15:39 (external edit)