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The DeLi Linux ports system

** Warning : this is NOT valid for Deli 0.8.x **

Deli 0.8.x uses pacman for the updates and makepkg (instead of pkgmk) for getting the sources; you find the PKGBUILD files you need therefore in

What is it?

In the BSD Unix World a ports system means a directory hierarchy (ususally under /usr/ports) where you can automatically build your own binary packages from source. The advantage of a ports system is, that the built packages are optimized for your computer. Second advantage is: ports are faster available than binary packages.

In the last years ports systems became popular on Linux, too. A well-known Linux distro with a ports system is Gentoo, another one is Crux.

To integrate new software in DeLi Linux easier and to put more efficiency in creating the distro, DeLi Linux has adopted the Crux ports system.

Using the ports system

Installing the ports tree

  • First download a ports tree from
  • Extract it under /usr with
    cd /usr
    tar xvzf $DOWNLOADDIR/ports-XXXXXXXX.tar.gz

    where XXXXXXXX is the release of the ports tree and $DOWNLOADDIR is the directory where you downloaded the ports tree

If you want to build a package, go the a package directory and build it with pkgmk - see example below.

Using the tools

usage: ports [options] [collection ...]
    -u, --update    update ports
    -l, --list      list available ports
    -d, --diff      list differences between installed packages and availabe ports
    -v, --version   print version and exit
    -h, --help      print help and exit
usage: pkgmk [options]
    -i,   --install             build and install package
    -u,   --upgrade             build and install package (as upgrade)
    -r,   --recursive           search for and build packages recursively
    -d,   --download            download missing source file(s)
    -do,  --download-only       do not build, only download missing source file(s)
    -utd, --up-to-date          do not build, only check if package is up to date
    -um,  --update-md5sum       update md5sum
    -im,  --ignore-md5sum       build package without checking md5sum
    -cm,  --check-md5sum        do not build, only check md5sum
    -ns,  --no-strip            do not strip executable binaries or libraries
    -f,   --force               build package even if it appears to be up to date
    -c,   --clean               remove package and downloaded files
    -kw,  --keep-work           keep temporary working directory
    -cf,  --config-file   use alternative configuration file
    -v,   --version             print version and exit 
    -h,   --help                print help and exit
Example for building and installing a package
    cd /usr/ports/xap/iv
    pkgmk -i
deli/ports/general.txt · Last modified: 2010/09/02 15:06 (external edit)